Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Nathalie Revol, with Javier Hormigo and Stuart Oberman, were general chairs of the Arith 23 conference, Santa Clara, California, USA.

Member of the Organizing Committees

Nathalie Revol was the organizer of the SWIM 2016: Summer Workshop on Interval Methods, gathering above 35 participants in Lyon, June 2016.

Bruno Salvy was a co-organizer of the meeting Alea'16 gathering about 80 participants in Luminy, March 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Jean-Michel Muller belongs to the 3-member board of the steering committee of the Arith series of conferences.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Nathalie Revol was a member of the program committees of REC'16 and SCAN 2016.

Bruno Salvy was a member of the program committee of AofA'16, Krakow, Poland.

Damien Stehlé was member of the program committees of Asiacrypt'16, Eurocrypt'17, SCN'16, ANTS'16, PKC'16 and PQCrypto'16.

Benoît Libert was member of the program committees of PKC'16, Africacrypt'16, ACM-CCS 2016, Eurocrypt'17.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Jean-Michel Muller is a member of the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Computers. He is a member of the board of foundation editors of the Journal for Universal Computer Science.

Nathalie Revol is a member of the editorial board of the journal Reliable Computing.

Bruno Salvy is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Symbolic Computation, of the Journal of Algebra (section Computational Algebra) and of the collection Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation (Springer).

Gilles Villard is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Symbolic Computation.

Invited Talks

Damien Stehlé gave an invited talk at the YACC conference (Porquerolles, June), on the Learning With Errors Problem. He gave an invited talk at the HEAT workshop (Paris, July) on lattice reduction.

Jean-Michel Muller gave an invited talk at a minisymposium on reproducible research at the CANUM conference (Obernai, May).

Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Clément Pernet gave invited talks at RAIM (Rencontres Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique; Banyuls-sur-mer, June).

Nathalie Revol gave an invited talk at a minisymposium on numerical reproducibility for high-performance computing at SIAM Parallel Processing (Paris, April).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Damien Stehlé is a member of the steering committee of the PQCrypto conference series. He is also a member of the steering committee of the Cryptography and Coding French research grouping (C2).

Paola Boito and Claude-Pierre Jeannerod are members of the scientific committee of JNCF (Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel).

Nathalie Revol is the chair of the IEEE 1788 group for the standardization of interval arithmetic: the work now addresses the set-based model and its implementation using simple IEEE-754 formats (IEEE P1788.1).

Scientific Expertise

Jean-Michel Muller is a member of the Scientific Council of CERFACS (Toulouse). He was a member of the Scientific Council of the “La Recherche” prize for 2015.

Jean-Michel Muller is a member of the steering committee of the “Defi 7” (information sciences) of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Bruno Salvy was a member of the recruitment committees for University Professors in Bordeaux (computer science) and in Toulouse (Mathematics).

Damien Stehlé is a member of the 2016 Gilles Kahn PhD award committees for 2016.

Claude-Pierre Jeannerod was a member of the recruitment committee for postdocs and sabbaticals at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.

Research Administration

Guillaume Hanrot is director of the LIP laboratory (Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme).

Jean-Michel Muller is co-director of the Groupement de Recherche (GDR) Informatique Mathématique of CNRS.